Company Information
Prosight2 is manufactured in the UK by Sigma Electronics.
Sigma Electronics and Sigma Products are trading names
of SSE Audio Group Ltd.
SSE Audio, SSE Audio Group, SSE Hire, SSE Sales, SSE Installations, SSE Risers, ETA Sound, Wigwam Acoustics, Wigwam Hire, Wigwam Sales & Installations, Sigma Fabrications, Sigma Electronics and Sigma Products are all trading names of SSE Audio Group Limited.
SSE Audio Group Ltd.
Registered Office: Burnt Meadow House, North Moons Moat, Redditch, B98 9PA, United Kingdom
Company Number: 01542797
All trade enquiries for PROSIGHT2 should be made to SSE SALES at SSE Audio Group +44 (0) 1527 528822